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Docker Command Cheatsheet


Docker Version and Information

$ docker --version                     # Show Docker version
$ docker info                          # Display system-wide information about Docker

Working with Containers

$ docker ps                            # List running containers
$ docker ps -a                         # List all containers (running and stopped)
$ docker run <image>                   # Run a container from an image
$ docker run -d <image>                # Run a container in detached mode (in the background)
$ docker run --name <name> <image>     # Run a container with a custom name
$ docker stop <container>              # Stop a running container
$ docker start <container>             # Start a stopped container
$ docker restart <container>           # Restart a container
$ docker rm <container>                # Remove a stopped container
$ docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash # Access a running container's shell

Managing Images

$ docker images                        # List all Docker images
$ docker pull <image>                  # Pull an image from Docker Hub
$ docker build -t <name>:<tag> <path>  # Build an image from a Dockerfile
$ docker rmi <image>                   # Remove a Docker image
$ docker tag <image> <new_name>:<tag>  # Tag an image with a new name and/or tag
$ docker push <name>:<tag>             # Push an image to a Docker registry

Docker Networks

$ docker network ls                    # List all Docker networks
$ docker network create <name>         # Create a new Docker network
$ docker network inspect <network>     # Display details about a Docker network
$ docker network connect <network> <container> # Connect a container to a network
$ docker network disconnect <network> <container> # Disconnect a container from a network
$ docker network rm <network>          # Remove a Docker network

Docker Volumes

$ docker volume ls                     # List all Docker volumes
$ docker volume create <name>          # Create a new Docker volume
$ docker volume inspect <volume>       # Display details about a Docker volume
$ docker run -v <volume>:/path <image> # Attach a volume to a container
$ docker volume rm <volume>            # Remove a Docker volume

Viewing Container Logs

$ docker logs <container>              # View logs of a container
$ docker logs -f <container>           # Follow logs of a container (real-time output)

Inspecting Containers and Images

$ docker inspect <container/image>     # Display detailed information about a container or image
$ docker stats                         # Display resource usage statistics for containers

Container Export and Import

$ docker export <container> > <file.tar> # Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive
$ docker import <file.tar> <image_name>  # Import a tar archive as a Docker image

Docker Compose (if installed)

$ docker-compose up                    # Start all services defined in docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose down                  # Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes
$ docker-compose logs                  # View logs of all services defined in docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose ps                    # List containers managed by Docker Compose

Cleaning Up Docker

$ docker system prune                   # Remove unused data (containers, images, networks, and volumes)
$ docker container prune                # Remove all stopped containers
$ docker image prune                    # Remove unused Docker images
$ docker volume prune                   # Remove unused Docker volumes
$ docker network prune                  # Remove unused Docker networks

ν”„λ‘œν•„ 사진
A small boat sailing freely on the sea of curiosity ⊹ ΰ£ͺ οΉπ“ŠοΉπ“‚οΉβŠΉ ΰ£ͺ Λ–